We will simulate a mission to the moon and there are so many people that it takes to make a mission complete.
Further discussion about the mission and everyone's roles after we've completed it. Look for me up in the sky!!!
Question for the prize:
Who is my superior in the orbiter for this mission. Hint: They sit right beside me.
Well congrats. You look so in charge in your space gear. How did you get so fortunate to be the pilot. How Exciting! cant wait to have you back in NC to hear about all of your adventures.
WOW thats amazing that she can do that!!Thats like a once in a life time experience.I am happy for you Ms.Winzeler!I wonder what the space food tastes like?I hear its really bad.When are you coming back here to little old Wilmington?Well hurry up cause I want to hear ALL of your stories!
Wow Mrs. Winzeler, You look awsome in your space suit! Students are very excited to view your blog in class today. Have you met any cool people at camp? Who are you hanging out with? Miss Velazquez and I miss you at school. We want to have dinner soon to catch up on this adventure!
~Miss Smith
Ms. Winzler What do you think the best part of space camp has been?
What was your favorite part about space camp?? I think I would like the stimulator the best, but thats just my opinion.
Do you like the space food more than regualr food? What has been your favorite type of space food so far?
Wow i have always wanted to go up in space. What is it like to feel zero gravity? i think i would throw up.
Wow.....that is a once in a lifetime experience and Ms.Winzeler deserves it. Hope you are having fun and cant wait to get more info.
Wow i have always wanted to go up in space. What is it like to feel zero gravity? i think i would throw up.
Hunter d
(sorry, i had to put my name on this and i posted the one under anneliese. i am not copying.)
A russsian
Is it the commander?
karen b
Jordan D,
I will bring you a 'taste' of space food.
They have been feeding us very well here. No astronaut food.
My favorite part of space camp was getting to be the pilot in our mission. It was cool go through just a bit of what the astronauts go through before a launch.
We had two hours of training. Astronauts train for two YEARS.
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