In honor of Earth Week, we are going to explore and investigate various aspects of pollution, ecology, and what we can do to help make Earth a little more green.
Your assignment:
1. Go to the following link http://www.nrdc.org/greensquad/intro/intro_1.asp
2. Obtain a copy of the "Green Squad Progress Report" from your teacher.
3. Follow steps 1-4 on the website.
4. When you begin the activity on the website, you will begin to fill out your "Green Squad Progress Report".
5. At the end of class, we will tally up our scores on the Progress Report and award certificates based on completion of your task.
2. Obtain a copy of the "Green Squad Progress Report" from your teacher.
3. Follow steps 1-4 on the website.
4. When you begin the activity on the website, you will begin to fill out your "Green Squad Progress Report".
5. At the end of class, we will tally up our scores on the Progress Report and award certificates based on completion of your task.
Post an idea...
If you have time, post a comment with your idea as to how we could make a change within our school or community to help the environment.
I think in our school we could do a lot!! There are so many bad things but there are also some pretty good things. Students could pick up trash outside and get a grade for it. They would love to be out doors and it could help raise their grade along with helping the community. If students dont want to pick up trash you could offer a lot more things todo like plant seeds or trees. All of these things would help make our school nicer. Flowers would be a nice thing too; you could ask students to bring in flowers/plants (I know I definitely would). Not all teachers would want to take time out of there class so they could just briefly talk about stuff that would help your nabor hood.
Ms. Winzeler, I think we could recycle alot more than we have been so far. I've been seeing some kids at school leaving paper in the trashcans and not in bins. We could also plant trees outside and grow plants to release fresh air to the Earth.
Daniel Emery
Yea, I know it said anonymous on it and my name's at the bottom.
We could do a lot in this school.The bad thing at this school is that there are fights and the good thing is the outside.
Hey Ms.winzeler, I think that we can put recycle bens in the cafeteria in tell everyone to put there stuff in the bens.
I think that a lot can be changed in our school. The school could put recycling bins in the cafeteria. People throw away a lot of things that could be recycled like cans. The people in the school could pick up trash and plant flowers around the school.
Make Noble look better
There are many things in the school that we could do to make it nicer. Such as get a new coat of paint on the walls. (Maybe the school colors) Students could help out with making the outside (and inside) look better. We could plaint plants, flowers, trees and much more. There are los of things to help the school look better, and more attractive. This would aslo make parents enjoy the school more, and th students. It would give kids exersize to go outside everyday and clean up different objects that people have thrown down. The school could also have feild trips to like the park, were everyone can help clean up. There are s many things to make the school, or world a better place to live. Some kids would hate to clean up things, but they could do others stuff to help the school. It would realy help evryone to enjoy life more.
The school can help keep the environment and so can every one else on earth. We can clean up trash and use stuff wisely like water and stuff like that. The world should be clean. Nobody wants to be dirty.
I think that students should wantn to have a clean school without wanting a reward.It is very important for us as noble eagles to make sure our school looks good,that way we would get more parents wanting to come out and support us.Possibly we would get more community services wanting to use the grounds.All we have to do is get everyone involved and get them to see thing from our point of view and realize how important healthy oxygen and a clean school is to many people
To make our school a better place we could do alot of things! to have less trash around our school we have some classes go outside to pick up trash, they could have a contest to see who could pick up the most trash! Also we could have some people bring plants to plant around the school to make it look better!
I think that we could do a lot by not leaving water on in the bathroom. But also when there is chip paint or builing renovation or when there is mold in the room there is to be no kids with asthma in there.
Those are some very thoughtful responses!!! Its seems that the upkeep of our school is high on your priority list. If we begin to take more pride(like Mary B. said)in the appearance of our school (pick up trash, add greenery, etc.) then maybe others will catch on from our example.
Hey Ms.Winzeler!! I think a way to improve our school is to plant some trees! Noble is great and all, but we could definatly use some more color to our front lawn. It woudl make our school a more attractive place to learn. Also, when I look out into the playground, I see sooo much trash! Maybe your class (not just yours, maybe any teacher's) could go outside and pick up trash. The reason you would know we did a good and thouroug job, would be to grade us on it. So in conclusion, I think we should palnt some more trees, or flowwers to make our school more attractive. ALso picking up trash wouldn't hurt at all. =]
I think that our school could really be a beautiful place! If everyone worked together and just picked up trash when they saw it and not just do it because they are forced to then if everyone picked like one piece of trash there would be no more trash! Also I think our school would look nice with a little bit of of color such as flowers. Our class could get involed and go out and plant flowers around the school and just that little thing would make the school look a lot better! I think this would help our school in standing out and being a healthy and safe enviroment!
have a day that everybody has to plant a tree or plant at home or anywhere else
I think that we could do a lot to help our school like for example students could recycle all the trash instead of just throwing it away in the trash like everyone always does. Its not so bad when you think about it. Because all you have to do is throw away your trash in the recycling bin instead of the trash can. Your a help even if thats all you do. And recycling trash is just one of the thousands and millions of things you can do to help the community.
I think that the funding for the school should go to more energy effichant suplies like floressent lightbulbs and safe pestasides that biodegrade in five months to lighten the effect of the pestasides on the children and adults.
I think that our could do a lot to make it look so much Nicer and more etracting for the parents to come to. For instance we can pick up all the trash outside and plant some tree's and plant's outside. Also that we could get rid of the trailers and add on to the school. Because those make our school look trashy. Also we can paint the walls the school colors instead of different all over.Finally we could plant more plants inside and outside in the patio and the pathway to the main entrance so that it show's people that we acctully care about our school.
I think that we (our school) should consider more environmentaly smart things to improve our school. For example we could put solar panels on the roof to supply the school with some, if not all, of it's power. That would be much cheaper and safe for the environment. In my opinion the students and staff should spend more time working on the look of our school. There should be more plants and color to contrast the dull, barren wasteland that we call school. Another thing we should do is have a trash pickup day once a month. It would be a fun way to take a brake from textbooks and reports!!
i have learend that there alot of things in kids schools that could really hurt us and the envoirment as a school we could fix the problems so we could be healthier
Wow. I never new how much schools could pollute so much. But there are meny ways that we can hellp our scool such as nut using pesdasids and use les paper. We could also not use computers as munch. there are meny other things but thats just a few.
In schools all over people are finding that very harmful things are around. Things no one knew about. To help that students could help pick up trash outside that is polluting our air. Even in the community that would be a helpful thing. Planting trees and more flowers will help make it nice and neater. This will be good to making schools and enviroments/communitys all over healthier!
I think that if every one in our school pitched in and helped around the school that our school would be alot better. There is alot of things that are great that our at our school. But there is still trash being wasted, diesel School buses, and alot more.
We could have one class each week to pick up a certain part of the school and we would switch out every week. That would make the scool alot more cleaner and people would like our school more than others. We can also save more paper by useing the paper more than once when you do something.
We can also save more energy if we get better and newer refrigerators. That will make the scool save more money.
I think its great to improve our school! Our school is really old and dirty, but if we all work together we can make this school a better place to be! I think that we should pick up trash and plant more things in the school yard. Everyone should help!
Hey Ms. Winzeler! I think to help our school we need to start making it environmental friendly. Such as installing solar panel roofs and cutting down on computer use. We also need to take better care of our grass but without using unhealthy pesticides. And finally our school needs to stop wating so much paper or at least recycle it.
I think that we could do a lot to help our school.When you go outside and see all of the trash on the ground it looks very disturbing.Students should learn how to pick up trash in their spare time.But know how kids are now they probly not learn too.I think that during Earth week that everyone in the school should plant a least one flower or tree around the school. And teachers should make time to let students go outside and pick up trash around our school once a moth.And I know that our school will look so much better.Also I think that teachers should use the front and back of the paperso that we are saving trees and we wont have to use up so much paper!!
Our school could definately get some help in envirometal issues. Students and staff members should all pitch in to help our school be safer and healthier. If studets knew the dangers of there actions i'm positive they would be more aware of what they are doing. Students and staff could pick up trash, clean up, and recycle! This could erally help our school and make it an even better place to learn.
I think we could clean up around the blacktop because theres alot of crap around there.
our school needs to reylcyle
more. we have trash every where.
we need to fix this.
I think that the bathrooms could use electrical dryers, because then we won't be killing so many trees. Plus, there won't be as much trash on the floors. Also, I think that the school should only paint over the bathroom walls once a year.
Every time I walk past a bus, I gag from the exhaust fumes. I would like to see School busses get cleaner fuel. It may be more expensive but that will help with air pollution.
I think that we could do quite a few things at our school. Such as keeping the windows open so that good fresh air could come into the classrooms. Or have recycle bins in every part or room of the school.
Your lovable student,
Richard H.
I think that our school could use some solar panels on the roof. There is plenty of room up there and it would reduce costs of electricity. There are many other things we could do like reuseable trays.
i think we could help by recycling a little bit more. Some teachers dont even recycle at all. Also the school could have a day to pick up trash called "pick it up day." Plus we need some solar panels.
By making the school solar powered and or wind powered we could save energy.Also if students are requerd to shut off computer if nobody is using them is a power saving solution.By saving power the school could use money for other thing.
Our school could do a lot to improve such as getting a monthly mold/etc. inspection (for asthmatics)or a better air filtration system. It would also be nice to have the walls a new color, maybe maroon and gold (school colors.) We could also have more plants in our halls and classes to help brighten things up a bit. We also need to have a better recycling program in our school.
I think that it would be a great idea for the students at our school to participate in helping our school be more enviorment safe. First of all i think that we could help by saving trees by putting in those blow dry things inthe bathrooms instead of papertowels,because lots of students use them up and waste them, which is killing alot of trees. It also creates more trash to fill the landfills & dumps. I also think that in the cafiteria that we should have plastics plates and real utinsils so that the school wont have to waste money on stirofoam trays. Also stirofoam takes longer to decompose than most things and takes up space on the earth. I really think that our school should focus on apearence. Students could have time to go outside and pick up trash and to plant flowers and trees once in a while so make our the outside more appealing!
More things could be changed in our school so I think we should have more fund raisers to get money and improve our school. And make it a better learning enviroment.
Maybe we should practice Earth day at school! =) =P
I think alot of things could be changed in the school people could stop throwing trash on the ground. They could throw it in the trash were it belongs. We could put recyle bins in the caferia and outside that way no one puts their trash on the ground. We could plant trees so that they could grow and we could have more oxygen cause trees give use all oxygen so that would help alot also. Every one could help out with picking up trash and if a teacher sees that person pick up some trash they could get a prasie note or they could get a point added to their grade.
Dear Ms. Winzeler, Thank you for posting this blog it was helpful I will keep it in mind. A suggestion for later on in the year you can do one on the turkey or even later oninthe year say December you could do one on Christmas or any other religon's holiday.
A few things on the activity surprised me. Like the water, lead, windows, pesticide-treated lawns, and other things. We have a few of those problems here, also. We should have students help out instead of letting the problems go unkept or get worse. Cleaning up outside, and around the building would help the school's appearance, the staff, and the students. If we took care of our school, other will see how much we care about the school and it's environment.
This school is nice but there is alot to do in our school to make it "green". We all could pitch in and recycle all of our papers. This would help lower the pollution in landfills and then we would reduce the number of trees falling down. Also I think we should stick to buying recycled paper. ALstly we should work on using solar power in the school to conserve energy. I hope we can all help fix our enviroment.
I feel that this school is good but we can improve. We could pass the hat around and get some solar panels. Some people think that small things like lead.Will not do anything but it can kill you and your brain cells. If you make a few changes than you can make your body and your school healther in many ways.
i think every one should help to make our school nicer and greener. At recess i see alot of litter scattered around the blacktop and sports fields. If our class could go out there and pick some of it up sometime, then it would help the earth to be more fit to live.
I Think we should have more recycling bins at our school. So far I don't think I have seen one! We could pick up trash around our front lawn (by the way some times around the trailors gets reaaaalllyyy nasty!). And you could do this for a small grade one day? Get your students out there and collect at least 20 to 30 items of trash! This would be a huge way to help out and make our school alot better looking! And maybe repaint the bathrooms. Seeing cuss words and nasty drawings on the walls by the sink isn't very apealing.... But there are just so man eays we coudl help out and make our school a better place just waiting to be put into action! =]
Plant more trees?
Hi again Ms. Winzeler. This time I justed posted to annoy you if you are reading this now I would just like to say...
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