Hello again. I am currently in Hong Kong and it's late at night want to check in and say what's up. I can't wait to get safely back into the US and tell all my wonderful students about the trip. Spending two days in Hanoi really opened my eyes to a lot of things that I will discuss in a further post. Enjoy some of the pictures. We were really lucky to be there for the celebration of Ho Chi Minh's birthday and "voting day". More to come
Is Ho Chi Minh the president of Vietnam? Did you get to meet him or see him?
Did you get to meet Ho Chi Minh? Are you having a blast in Vietnam. Love you see you soon
Hi. The people of Hanoi look like they are working hard. You came there just in time to celebrate Ho Chi Minh, the president of Vietnam. Why do they call it "voting day"?
Is Ho Chi Minh the king?
Who is Ho Chi Minh's? One time my dad went to Hong Kong and he said that it was really busy too. Well I hope that you get back safe and I will see you when you get here.
People actually wear those hats? Every one looks like they are wroking really hard! Every thing looks busy! Did you ever get lost among the massive crowds of people? Also, who in the world is Hi Chi Minh? Is he or she (I would think it would be a he) a person, or it is a holiday? Is that like the presedent of Vietnam? Or the king? Even his name sounds like he is a very important person. Did you feel safe in this rather large looking city? Just by the picture I can most deffinatly tell it is a huge, and very busy city! Did you purchase any thing while you were there? And if you did, was it more or less expensive than items in the United States?
Lucky! I really want to go to Hong Kong! My mom was born there and she says it's really pretty there. I hope you have pictures of Hong Kong...See you soon!
Is that guy wearing normal clothes? It looks like he is wearing Bee's.
What is "Voting Day?" Can you vote during Voting Day or do you have to be a Vietnamese citizen?
Did you like Hanoi? What did you like best about about Hanoi?
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