This is a picture of a beetle that Sy (in picture) found in the hotel. Everytime that they find a bug they are eager to show us. So your answer to the question is; yes there are many rather large insects here. Sy is my favorite little guy at the hotel.
thank you for the picture of the bug. And I was wondering if you could ask Anh if he likes butterflies or bugs better and why.
talk to you later,Connor H.
Hi Mrs Winzler, hope you are havin a good time. Are the people nice? I like the pictures that you posted before.
Ryan P.
hey ms. winzler ,
i have several of questions . my first one is when your friend at the hotel cought the bug, do they fry it up and eat it??also how does the peacock butterfly have water flowing out of it?lastly is the jungle queen rae b/c it looks like it?!?!
lizzie g.
Hey Ms. Winzeler
When the bug was cought, or when you saw the bug what was your reaction? because that bug is considerd a giant bug compared to the bugs in North Carolina.
Hey Ms. Winzeler. I was wondering what kind of bug is Sy holding?
Hello Ms. Winzeler. This is Jakub. I have seen the butterflies on your blog and they are beautiful. How many kinds of butterflies have you caught, and what kind of TV shows are there on TV in Vietnam?
Hello, Daniel here. That is a cool picture of the beetle. How many insects do you see in buildings a day?
Hey! We miss you so much. Oh my gosh :0 - that was a really big bug!!! When Sy caught it, were you in the same room with him? If I were you I probablly would have freaked out. You must have been really brave to even get in the same room to even take the picture. Was it an indoor bug or an outdoor bug? Have fun on your journey home! We miss you. (Einstein would be proud of you Ms.Winzeler) Hurry home! = )
*** I know that before you left for Vietnam you had said that you hoped that you would have a chance to go geocaching. Did you get to go?***
Hey. Those bugs must be scary to look at or even touch! How many bugs have you seen in the have you seen in the hotel?
What was the biggest butterfly or bug that you found on your trip.
How big was it?
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