We had some free time in the afternoon yesterday so the teachers, Viet, and I took a hike down to the waterfall. Here is where we spotted this very rare butterfly. He was perched vertical on the rock and kept streaming water out of its body. I did get video of it. It is my favorite one so far.
We have looked up butterfly in Mrs. McKeon's Vietnamese dictionary. It is spelled bu'o'm (/ over the o).
Can you give us the phonetic spelling so we can pronounce it?
We would also like to know how to say hello, welcome back, caterpillar, moth, class, and school
I like this butterfly becaues it is my last name. And because it has the same color as a peacock.
from your's truly Mr.Peacock in 2nd block
Hi Ms. Winzeler,I hope that you're having a great time in Vietnam. I have a question for you about the peacock butterfly. Why do they call it a peacock butterfly? Peacocks have those eye looking things don't they?
I hope that you have a great time hunting for butterflies. Oh and don't be scared of hurting them when you catch them. They will heal over time. We miss you and hope you come back safely.
From your buddy,
Alan J.
P.S. We can't wait to have you back!!!
Hey Ms. Winzeler,
I want to ask you a question about the Peacock butterfly. Are you sure that it is water coming from the butterfly?
Dear Ms. Winzeler,
I absolutely love this butterfly! I wish I hid in your suitcase like Courtney and I planned to! I would have loved to see this butterfly in person, but at least I got to see its picture! I think that how it squirts out water is probaly the coolest and advanced thing that this whole expedition has taught me. I really hope you have made an impact in keeping the butterflies tracted. I really miss you though and hurry back soon!
your favorite student (you know it)
Lexie A.
p.s- Bonita and I say don't forget the peanuts! haha we love you.
Hey Mrs.Winzler I wanted to now how does this butterfly holds all this water and still can move around and still fly.
Hello Ms. Winzeler,
This butterfly looks extremely unordinary and extrordinary! Why does the water come out of the butterfly in such a way? The name definately fits the color and describtion of the butterfly, but I do wonder if there is another name for it, other than "The Peacock" butterfly. If there is another name for it I would really love to know what it is. What does this butterfly "store" its water for anyway, besides staying alive? Is it even water that is ejected out of the butterfly? Last question, is the butterfly endangered or have a protection law on it?
p.s I hope you are having a great time, and we miss you A LOT!
How is it going Ms.Winzeler, I am very interested in the very green Peacock butterfly.Out of all the other butterflies it is my favorite as well.I am wondering how and why it spurts water out.And if the waterfall is its natural habitat.I hope you find other butterflies as great as this one.Love you and miss you
Ms. Winzeler,
When you were looking at the Peacock butterfly were you woundering what was happening to it when you saw all the water coming out of it's body? I bet it was really strange to see a butterfly leaking water from its body. Thats something you wouldn't probably not see in the US.
Well can't to see you!!
How many Peacock butterflies are there in the world?
Ps Do you miss us?
I like the peacock butterfly because its a dark green and looks different from other ones.
Ms.Winzeler. Why does the peacock butterfly stream water out of its body?Are you having a good time there?Talk to you later.
What are the two things hanging off of the Peacock's wings? What was your favorite things about being in Vietnam? Where does this rank on the best experiences in your life.
Austin S.
Whats your favorite thing about the Peacock butterfly?
From AlexG-J
I can see why his is your favorite buterfly so far, it is really cool. I think its my favorite of the pictures. Have a safe trip back, and I hope to talk to you when you get to New York.
Whats up Ms. Winzeler? Thats a pretty cool butterfly. How many miles did you have to hike to find that butterfly that day? I hope that you had a lot of fun.
hey whats up
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