Thursday, May 17, 2007

Food Plant

Here is Ahn inspecting a food plant up in the new road area. There were catepilllars on it that he and Lien took back to the hotel where they have a set up to raise them. After about two weeks when they emerge they release them back into the area.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs. Winzeler, It is Andrew M! What kind of plant is Anh studying? What kinf of butterfly likes this plant. Thank You

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Winzeler,
It's me again, I was just wondering... what is that on top of Anh's hat? Thanks a bunch!

Lexie A.
p.s- Maybe it's a hint of how old he is! I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Winzeler, It's Patrick H. and Drew H. What kind of plant was that? And what is the importance of that plant? What type of butterflies and caterpillars like this plant? What is the abundance of the plant? Where is the region where this plant is found? Who studies the plants? Is this the favorite plant that you have seen? if not what is? Have you eaten this plant? If you have does it taste good and what does it taste like?

Anonymous said...

Hey Ms. Winzeler it's Patrick H. and Drew H.

I was just wondering what is that on Anh's hat?

Anonymous said...

What type of butterflies will the catepillars found on the food plants grow up to be? Also, how would you raise a catepillar? Is the food plant something that we could eat or is it something catepillars enjoy?

Anonymous said...


What is on top of his hats? What type pf butterflies and caterpillars are found on the plants?