Next week is the big week for the trip!!! Before we begin our focus on what I will be doing while I am in Vietnam, it is important that you get to know a little bit about the country. Please follow the directions below.
- Copy and paste the questions below into a Microsoft Word document and answer them using the following links.
- When you are finished print your copy and make sure that your name and date is on it.
- Remember it is going to take some reading and researching to gather your answers.
- Post a comment with any questions about Vietnam or my trip that you may have.
- What is the capital city of Vietnam?
- What countries border Vietnam?
- What is the human population for the country?
- Tell a little bit about the average weather in Vietnam.
- List any health conditions or safety precautions you should take when visting Vietnam.
- What are their main environmental issues?
- What are the four great philosophies and religions of the Vietnamese?
- What type of government do they have in Vietnam?
- Copy and paste a picture of the Vietnam flag.
- Describe the story behind "The Land of the Dragon People".
- What is the name of their currency?
- List any interesting information you found throughout your search.
I hope that you have a great trip to vietnam.
I hope you have a good time in Vietnam and i hope that you find lots of intersesting species of butterflies. Also you should try and fing some geocaches while you are there ive already almost caught up with you
Hey Mrs.Winzeler,
I hope you have a awesome trip in Vietnam it seems like a really cool place and i am sure u will have loads of fun! Also i hope you have time to find some geocaches! Have a great time studing butterflies!
I hope you have a fun time in vietnam, it seems like a good place to visit. i hope learn more about butterflies and have a amazing time studying them.
P.S. Have fun finding some geocaches!
Have a nice trip to vietnam hope you find some geocaches.
Have fun in vietnam find some geocashes and some butterflys.
Hey Ms. Winzeler, I bet you never thought that you'd be hearing from me. I just wanted to wish you luck and say that I'll try to keep up with your journey.
Ms. Winzeler I really have no time on my hands so I'm just going to keep on doing this.
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